Water-wise front yard in Sunnyvale, CA
The presence of a Coast Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia) and the need to conserve water were the bases for this front yard design.
The thirsty lawn and an equally thirsty rose bed were replaced by drought-tolerant plants, most of them California natives.
Wood chips made of recycled lumber were used as mulch.
Part of the driveway, cracked by the oak’s roots, was removed and pieces recycled as stepping stones leading to the side yard gate.
The sprinklers were replaced by the more efficient drip irrigation system.
If you live in the Santa Clara Valley Water District, check out their Landscape Conversion Rebate program; if you are replacing your lawn, you may qualify for a cash rebate.
Lawn was replaced by draught tolerant plants and mulch.
Roses were replaced by draught tolerant plants, mulch and pebbles
Recycled concrete stepping stones
Anigozanthos flavidus "Big Red"
Dudleya pulverulenta (CA Native)